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How to Know if You Have Bone Loss in Teeth

Your Monday blues this week take get bluer because of your dentist informing y'all that you lot are experiencing bone loss effectually all the lost teeth that were inflicted with mucilage illness or periodontitis.

But information technology shouldn't be brand new information to you.

Paradigm primary


Considering you don't castor your teeth properly

Flossing is something yous've never heard of

And scaling is non fifty-fifty a concept to you

And to add together on to it, you smoke like a chimney!

However now that you have finally paid a visit to your dentist and are informed of the major upshot of not taking your oral hygiene seriously, you lot accept finally decided to not let it go any further.

And so let me tell you H ow To Prevent Further Os Loss In Teeth.

First and foremost, go regular scaling done. Once you have started doing that, larn the accurate brushing and flossing techniques and do information technology religiously!

Stop smoking and be more vigilant towards your nutrition.

Take foods rich in calcium, vitamin C, D and E and boost your body's natural defences to help fight the bacteria and improve your oral health.

Let's see what more there is to larn near bone loss in teeth!

How Practise I Know If I Take Bone Loss In My Teeth?

how to prevent further bone loss in teeth

The alveolar bone of the jaw which keeps the teeth in their confined position stays the way it'southward supposed to be as long as the teeth are there and are continuously used for their major part: mastication.

But when they are subjected to glue affliction and it has progressed towards the recession of the gums and the loosening of the teeth, the office of mastication or chewing is interfered and this is where the alarming situation of bone loss begins.

That's because your bone volition stay healthy only till the role of mastication is being carried out.

As soon equally a tooth is lost, the os starts resorbing.

Also when the teeth are misaligned, it makes it hard for you to be able to chew properly which causes the os to lose its density and volume.

Other than that, at that place are sure systemic conditions in which bone loss occurs faster than usual.

One such problem is diabetes. In diabetics, research shows the ratio of bone resorbing cells to os forming cells is higher. This simply means that there is more bone loss in those who accept diabetes.

Epitome main


Therefore if you are a diabetic, you lot must make sure that yous are taking extra care of your teeth.


Some other status in which there is significant bone loss is osteoporosis. It is a disease where the bone loses its density and becomes porous leading to hurting equally well as easy breakage of the bone.

Coming to the alveolar bone, when the density and the book of the bone are lost, the teeth start becoming loose in their sockets and eventually fall.

In such a condition in that location is non much yous can practice apart from taking your medicines regularly, keeping a staunch oral hygiene routine and eating a healthy diet full of vitamin D and calcium.

Yet since the most mutual condition behind bone loss is periodontitis, the beginning sign is the loosening of the teeth.

Since I as a dentist only want goodness for you, please start because that yous are having bone loss as soon as your gums start bleeding or the tartar becomes visible.

Go information technology cleaned and then that information technology does not progress to the indicate where y'all have to give your bone up! And if you are a smoker, delight muster some compassion for your heart, lungs, kidneys, jaw and your teeth.

How Do You Boring Down Bone Loss In Teeth?

If you lot fall in the category where you have already lost several teeth either due to periodontitis or multiple extractions, at that place is however a way to deadening downwardly the bone loss.

And that is by giving the bone what it needs i.e. office.

Every bit I have already mentioned that bone loss occurs when the process of chewing is interfered or not beingness carried out, getting a prosthetic tooth, either through an implant or a denture in place of the missing teeth is the most important step to not let it progress any further.

Apart from that, if you lot are getting your scaling done every six months, are regularly brushing and flossing your teeth the right mode and are keeping a healthy diet, the bone loss can deadening downward to a considerable extent.

But, but, merely! With all these things, if your os is non receiving what it truly needs, it won't stop making the bone resorbing cells and the bone will continue to resorb fifty-fifty if information technology'due south a teensy flake slower.

Hence, past replacing all the teeth y'all've already lost and taking extra good care of the ones that are left, y'all are good to go.

Can Y'all Reverse Bone Loss In Teeth?

The ongoing advances in medical sciences have made everything possible. Previously when loose teeth were deemed hopeless due to the loss of periodontal ligament, no one would have thought that in after years, the dental scientific discipline would be able to treat that as well.

how to prevent further bone loss in teeth

Even though at that place is still more room for advocacy and for the treatment to work in every case, the invention of Enamel Matrix Protein (EMP) gels is revolutionary!

To understand this, we demand a little backstory.

When our teeth are beginning forming, the enamel matrix proteins are secreted naturally onto the root surface of the teeth.

They create an surround which makes it favorable for the teeth to get fastened to the bone. The EMP gels practise the same to adult teeth.

They play a joke on the os into making more than bone forming cells and stop the formation of the cells that eat it.

But first, the periodontist volition assess each molar individually to decide if they are favorable for this treatment or not.

In one case they are sure, they will go about the procedure as at that place is a diverseness of both surgical and non-surgical treatments using EMP gels for os growth available.

This means that once the os has grown, loose teeth volition tighten and the recession of gums can be reversed.

Treatments For Bone Loss In Teeth

how to prevent further bone loss in teeth

The enamel matrix protein gels that I have mentioned above are not the only way to treat bone loss. ​

Even though they trick the bone into making new os forming cells, they don't ever work and take a lot of time to bear witness results.

Therefore the dental science has come with several other means to treat alveolar bone loss.


The most trusted way is the grafting of regenerative os. This handling is prescribed to all those patients who have lost and so much bone that at that place is no room for implants.

What the doctors do is they take a os graft either from the jaw or the hip bone of the aforementioned person and place information technology to replace the missing bone in and around the teeth.

What happens next is that the osteoblasts aka the bone forming cells are activated, causing regeneration of the bone. Subsequently everything has healed, the bone is fit for implants likewise as other stock-still prostheses.

Ridge Augmentation

This is a surgical process in which synthetic bone tissue is added to the ridge to reestablish it to its desired pinnacle and shape. This is a wonderful process and has astonishing prognosis.

Merely all of these procedures are invasive and may non be everyone'south piece of cake.

They require both fourth dimension and money, many people desire an like shooting fish in a barrel way out!

Blended Bonding

Although not even close to being effective every bit the ones mentioned above, blended bonding to reshape the teeth and hiding the hollow blackness triangles visible due to os loss is one quick way of achieving your aesthetic teeth.

But this volition only make the appearance of your teeth wait good, and won't do anything for the bone loss.

Ending The Bony Talk

Your mouth is the gateway to your body

your grinning the gateway to your personality.

Both of these are extremely important. But if you lot won't fifty-fifty castor your teeth properly and let all the gunky bacteria in the form of plaque and tartar buildup, it won't be long when you will lose both your trunk and your personality!

If y'all are thinking that information technology's just your teeth that create your smile, y'all are incorrect.

That's because your smile is nil without the supporting structures of the teeth and the bone that is holding them together in place. If it's lost, your grin is lost too.

The master reason behind os loss around teeth is mucilage disease that later on progresses to periodontitis.

As soon as the teeth become loose, the os starts resorbing. Another possible reason is misalignment of teeth which interferes with the process of mastication.

And when the bone is not receiving what it needs to stay put, it starts activating the cells that eat bone. It's likewise possible that the bone loss is occurring due to the presence of any systemic conditions, such as diabetes and osteoporosis.

However it's possible to slow down the process of bone resorption past getting prosthetic teeth in place of the ones that are lost and maintaining the oral hygiene of the ones that are left.

It's as well possible to reverse bone loss. Sadly you can't do it naturally but by introducing enamel matrix protein to the adult bone, the periodontists recollect that they can trick it into producing more than bone forming cells, making it possible for the teeth to tighten again and the gum to come back to its place.

This is not a popular process and works only in a few cases.

Therefore the treatments that periodontists swear by are regenerative bone graft and ridge augmentation. While in the former, a minor piece of bone is taken out of the hip or jaw of the same person and placed around the teeth,

The latter involves synthetic bone tissue existence added to the ridge. Both these treatments can provide excellent results with great prognosis.

Nonetheless, all of this is time taking and tin can cost you a fortune.

Therefore what'south even better is that you keep a good check of your oral hygiene and get regular teeth cleaning done.

If you are a smoker, start reducing the cigarettes you lot smoke and if you lot can, quit birthday.

Please make certain that your diet is filled with vitamin C, D, East and calcium, and you are not missing a day of flossing!

All of this and you won't ever have to compromise on that wonderful grin!

Os appetit!


Oxford Book of Clinical Dentistry

Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology

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